Financial aid is money provided to a student in order to pay for college expenses. There are several types of financial aid, and most students are eligible to receive at least some form of financial aid.
Use this page to understand how your financial aid is processed. Check your financial aid status by going to MyU: My Finances. Depending on the aid offered to you, you may not need to complete all the steps below.
Steps to receive financial aid
Step 1: Prepare for the FAFSA
You can prepare for the FAFSA by doing the following:
- Check out Pro Tips for the FAFSA Form on the Federal Student Aid website.
- Create an FSA ID on the Federal Student Aid website and assist contributors, such as your parent(s) or spouse, in creating an FSA ID.
- An FSA ID is an account and password that gives you access to the Federal Student Aid’s online system and serves as your electronic signature.
- With the FSA ID, you can fill out the FAFSA, sign your Master Promissory Note (MPN), apply for repayment plans, complete loan counseling, and use the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Help Tool.
- Students from Freely Associated States, and students' spouses, parents, and stepparents who do not have a Social Security Number (SSN) can now obtain an FSA ID. To learn how, see the How to Get an FSAID for Individuals Without a Social Security Number:
- See the How to Submit the FAFSA Form if your contributor doesn’t have a Social Security number (SSN).
- Use the Federal Student Aid Estimator to find out how much federal student aid you may be eligible for.
- This tool estimates the Student Aid Index (SAI).
- Opt into SMS message alerts to receive up to date notifications and learn about upcoming changes to the FAFSA.
Step 2: Apply for financial aid
Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is used for all types of financial aid, including federal and state aid.
The FAFSA application generally becomes available on October 1 and closes on June 30.
- The 2024-2025 FAFSA is available from December 2023 to June 30, 2025. Use your 2022 income tax return.
- The 2025-2026 FAFSA will be available on or after December 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026. Use your 2023 income tax return.
It is in your best interest to file the FAFSA on, or as soon as possible after, December 1 in order to meet FAFSA deadlines. Some financial aid programs have limited funding and deadline requirements. Once you have filed your FAFSA, check your FAFSA status in MyU: My Finances.
Students who complete a FAFSA (UMD school code 002388) by the following dates increase their eligibility for institutional scholarships:
- Incoming freshmen: February 1 (March 15 for 2024-2025)
- Returning and transfer students: April 1
If you are an undocumented student but attended and graduated from a Minnesota high school, you may be able to apply for the MN Dream Act.
School code
When you fill out the FAFSA, the application will require you to enter the school code. Each University of Minnesota campus has its own federal school code. For Duluth students, the school code is 002388.
Step 3: Check your application status
You can check the status of your FAFSA by doing the following:
- Log into the Federal Student Aid website using your account username and password (FSAID).
- Navigate to your account dashboard.
- Select the aid year for which you want to apply from the "My Activity" page.
Application status definitions
The application status will be one of the following:
- Draft: Your section of the FAFSA form is incomplete.
- In Progress: You provided your consent, approval, and signature to your section of the FAFSA form, but the FAFSA form has not been submitted yet.
- In Review: You have submitted your form and your application is still processing.
- Processed: Your application was processed successfully. No further action is needed.
- Action Required: Your application requires further action from you or your contributor(s). In some cases, you may need to contact your college or career/trade school to resolve the issue.
- Closed: Your FAFSA form was never submitted and can no longer be submitted because the federal FAFSA deadline passed.
Step 4: Complete additional documentation - To Do List
After we receive your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you may receive a request for additional documentation by mail or email to complete your application. Your to do list will also show required loan documents if you request to borrow these funds. You can monitor your progress in MyU: My Finances.
View your to do list
Text instructions
- Log into MyU and select the My Finances tab.
- Click the Financial Aid sub-tab.
- Select the Aid Year and Campus in the Financial Aid Steps section. An aid year begins with the fall term.
- View your Financial Aid Steps.
- Click the “There are items you must complete” link in Step 2.
- View your To Do List. Click on the item(s) listed for details. This may include printing and submitting documentation.
Visual guide
To open the guide in a new window, use the full-screen version.
Step 5: Respond to your financial aid offer
You will receive an email notification with a link to view and respond to your financial aid offer online (see financial aid timeline). Follow the instructions in the email to:
- View financial aid
- Accept/decline financial aid (if applicable)
- Report any other financial aid (e.g. outside scholarships)
Please note, your financial aid offer is based on full-time attendance for one academic year (fall and spring semesters). The total aid is divided equally between semesters; one-half for fall expenses and one-half for spring expenses. The amount of your aid is based on your financial need, which is determined by:
- A federal process called the Student Aid Index (SAI), previously known as the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), based on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) result, and
- An assumption that you will be enrolled full-time.
If you do not receive notification that your financial aid offer is available, check MyU: My Finances.
View and respond to your financial aid awards
Text instructions
- Log into MyU and select the My Finances tab.
- Click the Financial Aid sub-tab.
- Select the Aid Year and Campus in the Financial Aid Steps section. An aid year begins with the fall term.
- Steps will appear after selecting the Aid Year and Campus.
- Click the link in Step 3 (the link says view or respond). If you don’t see this link, financial aid has not yet been awarded.
- Click the Aid Year link.
- View your financial aid that is displayed for the full year followed by the breakdown for each term.
- To respond to your financial aid, click the Accept/Decline Awards link.
- Check the boxes to Accept or Decline any loans or work-study. Gift aid is automatically accepted.
- If you click accept, you will have the option to enter a specific amount. You do not need to accept the full amount.
- When you are finished accepting or declining your aid, click the Submit button to confirm your choices.
Visual guide
To open the guide in a new window, use the full-screen version.
Step 6: Complete loan documents
If you choose to accept loans, check your status in MyU: My Finances to complete all required documentation. If you accepted a federal loan(s) you will need to complete all required promissory notes, counseling, and disclosures before the loans can be disbursed. A promissory note is the legal agreement that you will repay your loan(s).
If your parent(s) wants to borrow a PLUS loan, they will need to complete the PLUS loan application on the Federal Student Aid website and the PLUS Master Promissory Note before the funds will disburse to your student account.
If you are applying for a private loan, you will need to complete all necessary documents required by the lender you have chosen.
Step 7: Receive your financial aid disbursement
If all prior steps are complete, you should receive your financial aid disbursement to your student account approximately one week prior to the start of the semester. The University disburses financial aid prior to the start of the term to ensure you are able to purchase necessary textbooks and supplies. Required books and supplies can be charged to your student account at UMD Stores.
If your financial aid exceeds the university charges, you will have a credit balance on your student account. Sign up for direct deposit to receive your credit balance electronically to your bank account. If your financial aid does not cover the balance on your student account you will receive a billing notice via email.
If you complete the financial aid process after the start of the semester, you will receive your funds in approximately seven business days.
Additional funding options
Your financial aid offer may not cover your entire estimated cost of attendance. There may be additional funding options available to you or your parents that were not included in your offer. If you need additional funding, you are encouraged to investigate the options below.