
Read the descriptions carefully to determine which fees may apply to you. Some classes have fees associated with them. See Course fees for more information.

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Fees assessed by college

Collegiate fees include an IT Systems and Support component. Fees listed are per semester.

Academic year 2024-25 term fees

College6 or more creditsFewer than 6 credits
Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences College of (undergraduate and graduate programs)$357.00$178.50
Education and Human Service Professions, College of (undergraduate and graduate programs)$294.00$147.00
Labovitz School of Business and Economics (undergraduate and graduate programs)$278.00$139.00
Swenson College of Science and Engineering (undergraduate and graduate programs)*$320.00$160.00
Medical School$115.00$115.00
Pharmacy, College of$470.00$470.00
University Studies$210.00$105.00

*Undergraduate students first enrolled in the Swenson College of Science and Engineering in fall 2021 or later are also assessed a tuition surcharge of $250.00 in fall, spring, and summer regardless of how many credits they are enrolled in. This provides additional student support services in SCSE.


Summer 2025

College3 or more creditsFewer than 3 credits
Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences College of (undergraduate and graduate programs)$178.50$89.25
Education and Human Service Professions, College of (undergraduate and graduate programs)$147.00$73.50
Labovitz School of Business and Economics (undergraduate and graduate programs)$139.00$69.50
Swenson College of Science and Engineering (undergraduate and graduate programs)*$160.00$80.00
Medical Schooln/an/a
Pharmacy, College of$235.00$235.00
University Studies$105.00$52.50

Student services fee

If you are a degree-seeking student enrolled for 6 or more eligible* credits during fall or spring semester, or 3 or more eligible* credits in the summer, you must pay a student services fee that is distributed among various student programs, as listed below.

Fall/spring 2024-25

Assessed to all students registered for 6 or more eligible* credits per semester, distributed as follows:

Asian American Student Association$0.95
Black Student Association$1.15
Bulldog Taxi/Lyft$1.35
Green Fund$3.11
Health Services$111.82
Health Services Capital Improvement$5.07
Hmong Living in Unity & Balance (HLUB)$0.91
Indigenous Student Organization$0.81
International Club$0.95
Kirby Student Center & Kirby Program Board$78.38
Kirby Capital Improvement$23.65
Latinx/Chicanx Student Association$1.08
Library Communications & Events Team$0.20
Music Organizations$1.15
Oromo Student Association$0.41
Queer and Allied Student Union$0.70
Recreational Sports/Outdoor Program - Operations$87.84
Recreational Sports/Outdoor Program - Capital Improvement$23.65
South Asian Student Organization$0.34
Stage 2$0.20
Student Government Association - Administration$1.59
Student Association - Organization Grants (SOG)$12.16
Student Legal Services$1.15
The Bark$1.35
Twead Museum of Art$1.69
Women's Resource Action Center$1.01
Total Student Services Fee$365.54


Summer term 2025

Fee nameTotal amount
Student Services$214.69

*Per Board of Regents policy, students studying abroad for their full semester registration are exempt from the student services fee but may opt to pay the fee. Other exceptions can be found on the policy page. 

Health insurance fee

If you are 1) admitted to a degree program, and 2) registered for 6 or more credits per semester (or 3 or more credits during summer term) that count toward the automatic assessment of the Student Services Fee, you are required by the University of Minnesota to have health plan coverage. If you meet both of these criteria you will be automatically enrolled in the University-sponsored Student Health Benefit Plan.

By requiring students to have health plan coverage, the University ensures all students have access to medical care and can maintain good health, which is essential for academic success. You may choose to waive the University-sponsored Student Health Benefit Plan by providing proof of enrollment in an alternative eligible health plan.

Please note that if you are enrolled into the Regents Tuition Benefit Program or the Senior Citizen Education Program (SCEP), you are not eligible for the student health benefit plan. Contact the Office of Student Health Benefits with questions about eligibility for the Student Health Benefit Plan.

General, service and usage, and other fees

Academic Records Fee
One time fee assessed to support the development and maintenance of the academic record including official document production.

$150.00 - one time
(new degree-seeking and certificate students)

$75.00 - one time
(non-degree students)

Application Fee

(Undergraduate - Domestic)

(Undergraduate International Students)

(Graduate School - Domestic Students)

(Graduate School - International Students)

(Graduate School - Readmission Change of Status)

(CEHSP Post-baccalaureate evaluation)

Athletics/Athletic Facilities $108.00
Capital Improvement Reserve$20.00
Credit-by-Examination (per credit)$50.00
Confirmation/Orientation - Undergraduate Fee

(First year students)

(Transfer students)

Late Registration Fee

(First two weeks of term)

(Third week of term or later)

International Student Fee

$204.00 - fall/spring

$78.00 - summer

International Student Academic Services Fee

$130.00 - fall/spring
(fewer than 6 credits)

$260.00 - fall/spring
(6 or more credits)

$65.00 - summer
(fewer than 3 credits)

$130.00 - summer
(3 to 5.99 credits)

$260.00 - summer
(6 or more credits)

Payment Plan Fee$20.00
Late Payment Fee$40.00
Professional Student Government$17.76
Returned Payment Processing Fee$20.00
Stop Payment Fee for Refund Checks$10.00
U-Card Replacement Fee$30.00
Student Teaching Outside the Duluth Area

(0.05-2.99 credits)

(3.0-5.99 credits)

(6.0-8.99 credits)

(9-11.99 credits)

(12.0-999.99 credits)

Transportation Sustainability Fee (fall and spring only)$18.00

For more information on cost of attendance, please visit: Cost of Attendance.

Summer term fees

Tuition rates are the same for summer, fall, and spring terms. However, undergraduate students are charged tuition per credit during the summer. If undergraduates take more than 13 credits during the summer, they will not be charged for the additional credits.

View your registration and fee summary

The registration and fee summary is a clear view of classes you are enrolled in for the semester along with charges and payments on your student account.

Text instructions

  1. Log into MyU and select the My Finances tab.
  2. Click on the Registration & Fee Summary link.
  3. Use the drop-down menus to complete all of the fields.
  4. Check the Include Fees box if you want that information to appear on your summary.
  5. Click the view report button. You may need to disable pop-up blockers or open the file when prompted.
  6. Your registration & fee summary will display. You may also print the summary using your browser’s print function.

Visual Guide

To open the guide in a new window, use the full-screen version.


Official current and historical fee rates

The above information is based on the President’s Operating Budget approved by the Board of Regents. While the information has been presented with all due care, it cannot be guaranteed to be free from errors or omission.