Your first choice for your academic plan may not suit you as your interests develop, and as you discover all the University has to offer. Follow the instructions below to make a change. Discuss with your advisor how the change could affect when you graduate.
Contact One Stop Student Services to discuss how the change impacts financial aid. Submit your request at least two weeks prior to your registration appointment time to the collegiate unit that offers your desired program.
Requests made after the end of the second week will be processed for the next semester. To confirm processing of your change, go to MyU: Academics and view My Programs.
Change your major/minor or add a second degree program
Forms are available at each college's advising and academic services office and at some departmental offices. For more information contact the college's advising and academic services office. See more information for college specific instructions or requirements.
- CEHSP - 120 Bohannon Hall, 726-7156
- CAHSS - 120 Montague Hall, 726-8180
- LSBE - 111A LSBE Building, 726-6594
- SCSE - 140 Engineering, 726-7585
Dual undergraduate degrees
If you are pursuing more than one degree (i.e., BA and BS), complete the Dual Degree Program Application.
Change your college
To change from one UMD college to another, submit the Application for Undergraduate Change of College.